CARES Preservation Program
At the Atlanta Area Aquarium Association (AAAA), we are proud to be a part of the CARES Preservation program, a combined effort of hobbyists to support and preserve fish that come from areas around the world that are at risk due to environmental concerns. You don’t need a fish room, or even a large empty aquarium, to make a huge difference for the outcome of an at risk species of freshwater fish, and it is our goal at AAAA to help support our members interest in being a part of the conservation of at-risk species.
This program allows you to not only gain new education and knowledge, but to assist in helping preserve species that may otherwise be unavailable for future generations to enjoy.
What is the CARES Preservation Program?
The CARES Preservation Program challenges aquarium hobbyists to devote tank space for one or
more species of at risk fish, attempt to breed and distribute offspring to fellow qualified hobbyists, share information with other hobbyists, scientists, and conservationists and help educate the general public about the critical nature of fish in nature.
Preserving At-Risk Species
Species designated as “at risk” come in every size and shape. You can find a list of current priority species by visiting the CARES website on a regular basis. You might be surprised to find that you already keep a species on this list,or you might find inspiration to expand your collection, as there are some really interesting fish on the list. The list is updated on a regular basis, with new species added all the time.
​​​​How to Participate
Participating in the CARES Fish Preservation Program is easy! Once you have a species on the Priority List, you’ll need to register it.
Step 1: Fill out the CARES Species Identification form here.
Step 2: Fill out the AAAA Species registration form here
Step 3: Upload a clear photograph of the fish in your aquarium and email it to Photos found online will not count. Name the file as follows: species name_your name_AAAA_date. For example: Betta coccina_JohnDoe_AAAA_10-11-19. This photo will be reviewed by the CARES coordinator and once positively identified, will be added to the CARES registry.
Program Rules and Regulations
Maintaining your standing in the CARES Fish Preservation Program is essential, as we seek to build and maintain legitimacy in the overall community. To that end, the following requirements apply to every member of the program.
You must remain a member of AAAA in good standing.
You must allow your email address to be entered into the CARES repository. This will allow us to keep track of who has a specific fish and allow individuals interested in that fish to get in contact with you.
You must complete all information on the species registration form you submit. If you are missing information, contact the CARES Coordinator for help.
You must submit a clear photo of your species that will be used for identification purposes.
AAAA CARES Award Program
You will be awarded points based on your progress with species preservation, as long as you continue to care for the species and regardless of breeding outcome. Points will be awarded as follows:
20 Points per instance:
Successfully register a new CARES species (may claim once per species).
Bring at least 5 fry to an auction (10 additional points are awarded for first ever submission of that species).
Submit an article detailing the breeding of the species.​​
Award levels/titles granted at each level:
20 points: CARES Participant (Award level 1)
100 points: CARES Supporter (Award level 2)
400 points: CARES Enthusiast (Award level 3)
600 points: CARES Authority (Award level 4)
800 points: CARES Master (Award level 5)
1000 Points: CARES Grand Master (Award level 6)
An annual CARES Member of the Year award will be granted each year. This member will be chosen by the support team and is the person who is seen to have best exemplified the CARES program spirit. Their name will be submitted to CARES, and they will receive recognition from the club for outstanding service.
Species Maintenance Award
In addition to the overall CARES award, club members can receive an award for extensive work done with an individual species. This award is intended to encourage people to propagate and preserve fish so that individuals have a reliable source to obtain new CARES species.
In addition to the CARES BAP requirements listed above, the following are required:
Maintain the species for a minimum of 2 years
Provide at least 5 groups of 5 or more fry to 5 different auctions/swap meets.
Write an article detailing the husbandry, breeding, and overall experience keeping the fish over the 2 year timespan.(there is no required length of the article but aim for at least a page)
Provide at least 20 different images detailing the fish at different stages in its lifespan.
Once you have completed all the requirements, please reach out to the CARES coordinator to approve your award.
Quick Links:
Official CARES Species Registration Form