Lets talk about what we are bringing to our February meeting's Auction!
12 Lot limit per seller. Limits on the number of lots per seller are subject to change. Please limit your contributions to 2 lots of any one item (ie 2 bags of salvinia are okay, 5 is too much). Lots may be combined at the discretion of auction personnel. Please bag your items appropriately. This means in a bag (or two) with an appropriate amount of water (⅓ bag for animals, cover the bottom seam for plants). NO Ziploc bags. Your LFS will usually have bags if you ask.
Please be as clear as you can when labeling your bags. Name of item, lot number. No invasive species and plants such as mystery snails, assassin snails, and duckweed.
Public Sellers will receive a 50/50 split of proceeds from their items. Supporting members will receive a 70/30 split of proceeds from their items. All items submitted for BAP and HAP should be properly labeled with the program name.
Azolla Rubra HAP
Ramshorn snails
Purple-fringe riccia
Salvinia natans