Lets talk about what we are bringing to our January meeting's Mini Auction!Rules; No more than 2 lots of the same item per seller.Split; General public get a 50/50 split. Supporting members get a 70/30 split.NO zip lock bags!
Bacopa Monnieri
Blyxa Japonica
The club had some tanks donated. They will be in the auction. 20gal tall, 10gal, 3x5gal tanks
In need of plants. Preferably Java fern, wisteria, Anubias. Any size will do... I am a plant novice rescaping my 75 gal.
I'll bring some Java fern, sub adult gold marble angels, juvenile calico bn, juvenile black marble Honduran red points
Goldenback neocaridina, Orange Sakura neocaridina, Peacock Gudgeons, trios of Red Tiger Endlers, Pearlscale blue widefin angels
I can bring
Cherry shrimp
Bucephalandra on dragon stone
Java moss
Vallisneria americana
Daphnia magna
Bringing Nanoluteas, Staeck Endlers and Cherry Shrimp
Bringing Caridina species Sulawesi Malawa for BAP, dwarf sag, water hyssop.
I am bringing a group of 5 Neolamprologus Pulcher Daffodil (BAP) and Ramshorns Snails.