When: March 8th 2025 doors open for sales at 10:00 AM and sales will end at 2:00 PM.
Where: Windy Hill Community center,
No Entry Fee: FREE to shop and talk
What to become a vendor? email SWAPMEETS@ATLFISHCLUB.COM
Tables: $30 for Supporting members, $40 for the general public. Must be preregistered for tables by 3/7. Cash collected at the swap for table fee. All fish must be bagged. No open water tanks allowed!
If you are a Vendor, please feel free to list what you will have available for purchase at your table in this thread.
I'll be bringing the following fish
L333 Plecos
L397 Plecos
L393 Plecos
L236 Plecos
Orange Venezulean Cory Groups
Berlin Swordtails
Sanke Swordtails
Pineapple Swordtails
Japan Blue Gold Guppies
Albino Koi Guppies
Orange Dalmation Platies
Painted Wag Platies
Various Other Odds and Ends of fish
Lots of plants
I will be bringing these fish and shrimp
Platinum ricefish
Black ricefish
Gardneri killifish
Bristlenose pleco juveniles
Corydoras schultzei (various sizes)
Aquatic isopods
Various neocaridina and caridina shrimp
Pseudomugil luminatus
Pseudomugil gertrudae (TBD)
Pleco caves
I've been working on my list, and the desire to completely reset a few tanks is making the list even longer.
Java Fern
Guppy Grass
Dwarf Sagittaria
Jungle Vallisneria
Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus
Ludwigia Repens
Belonesox Belizanus - Pike Livebearer
Orange Platies with highfin gene
Chapalichthys Peraticus - San Juanico Splitfin (Goodied)
Xenotoca Doadrioi - San Marcos Redtail Splitfin (Goodied)
Albino Bristlenose Plecos
Longfin Albino Bristlenose Plecos
Electric Blue Acara
Blue Polar Parrot
Platinum Parrot
Dwarf Parrots
Other assorted mixes of Convicts, Honduran Red Points, Platinum Hondurans, and Bronze Convicts
Cherry Shrimp culls (7 year old colony that has never been properly culled, now they are all culls)
This is what I'm bringing to Swap Chaitika Orange Compressiceps pairs
Ink fin black calvas pair
Snow White bristlenose pleco pairs
Snow White bristlenose plecos 2 inch
Super red bristlenose pleco pairs mandarin compressicep breeding trio and pairs
Green Dragon long fin breeding pairs
I'm bringing a bunch of different 3d printed aquarium accessories:
Duckweed combs
Snail traps
Hydroponic baskets - a couple of different shapes and varieties
Floating feeding rings
Underground corner caves
Other small assorted accessories, as I have time to print them!
Here is what I can bring to the swap. If you have something your interested in, let me know so I can prioritize bringing it.
aphanius mento pairs
xiphophorus montezumae swordtails
synodontis petricola
hoplisoma axelrodi (formerly corydoras axelrodi)
hoplisoma concolor (formerly corydoras concolor)
brochis splendens
osteogaster cw010 "gold laser" (formerly Corydoras cw010)
bristelnose plecos
neolamprologus multifasciatus
4" floating fry cup
5" floating fry cup
Bringing mostly shrimp and some dry goods
Crystal red and black shrimp
Cherry and Blue Dream shrimp
Mixed Caridina shrimp
Black / Red Galaxy shrimp
L333 king tiger plecos
L397 Alanquer tiger plecos
L106 Orange seam pleco
Seiryu & Dragon stone
LED bar lights
NO PRICES YET i will post if can do it before saturday
I’ll be bringing:
30g long tank (needs re-sealing) and stand
18g tall tank
20 g tall tank
10g acrylic tank
Various small tanks
Lots of artificial plants
Some decorations
Various filter media
Various fish food
Anything else I can find
I have a good mix of cichlids, corys, plecos and corys.
Looking forward to the meet up
The Fishman's list:
Buccochromis noto 4/5 inch
( Rare )Black orange doral 3/4 males
Eureka red 4/5 inch
Ob peacock 3/4 inch
German red 4/5 inch
Geo Sveni 4/5 inch
Geo Sveni 3/4 inch
Lemon Jake’s 4/5 inch
Smokey Blue angelfish 4/5 inch
Electric blue Acara 3.5/4
( Super Rare ) Albino Mdoka white lip 3/4 inch
Blue moorii 3/4 inch
Peacock Bass 6/7 inch
Albino Arowana’s 6/7 inch
Green Phantom 3/4 inch and 5/6 inch
L240 Pleco 6/7 inch
King Kamfa Flowerhorn 5/6 inch
Golden base Flowerhorn 4/5/6/7 inch
Tiger parrots 5/6 inch
Frontosa 3/4 inch
Super Red Texas 4/5 inch
Marble fenestratus 2/3 inch and 5/6 inch
Anyone have a rhino pleco or spiny monster pleco they want to sell?
Anyone going to the swap meet coming near lake Spivey (Henry/Clayton county)area? I had cervical fusion surgery and can't drive yet. I would love to tag along.
I will bring different sizes of Angel fish, including 2 x Mated Pair (proven laid eggs)... Some mix of live bearer Guppies, Sunburst Mickey Mouse platy, and Orange Venezuelan cory doras, gold high fin bristle nose pleco...